Estates with $10,000 to $761,590 in unclaimed money due beneficiaries
and heirs. Average estate in this list has $31,242 in unclaimed money .
. . View the List - Make a
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After officials read this white paper they
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lawsuits over inaccurate and missing records.
County Experts
Graham, Texas
No one knows Young County real estate, title search and court records better than the people who are in the courthouse everyday working directly with local officials to bring you the kind of professional service only a local expert can.. Connect with Young County Abstractors, Public Record Retrievers, Historians, Genealogists and Legal Service Professionals. You'll find Young County Clerk, Young County
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Young County Abstractors
and Courthouse Researchers
When law firms, lenders, energy
production companies and national title companies need public record
information that is accurate and official they rely on local
abstractors, document retrievers and landman who physically inspect
the Young County records at the courthouse.
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and filing service for attorneys, landman and investigators.
We can save you time and money on your special projects in 118 rural
& commercial services including cell tower searches, mineral searches,
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searches to include roadways and pipeline.
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