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Amazing People from Scurry County Texas
Tanner Beard
Tanner Beard photo from IMDb
Neal Tanner Beard was born on September 16th 1984 in a Big Spring Hospital just outside his hometown of Snyder where he graduated from Snyder High School. Tanner moved to Los Angeles in 2003 and is a successful film and television actor and director as well as CEO of Silver Sail Entertainment and Mammoth Film Festival.


The movie "6 Bullets To Hell" directed by Tanner Beard and cousin Russell Cummings won over 13 awards all over the world in it's festival run. Tanner also wrote, directed and co-produced The Legend Of Hells Gate.



West Texas History & Memories

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

True Stories of Amazing People and Places in Texas (Facebook)

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Vintage Texas Photos (eBay #Ad)

Famous Actors from West TexasFamous Celebrities from West Texas
Amazing People from Scurry County Texas

Amazing People from Scurry County TexasPeople from from Snyder, Hermleigh, Dunn, Fluvanna Pyron and Ira Texas

Life in Scurry County 1850-1950

Life in Scurry County TexasLife in Scurry County

Books about Scurry County People and Places

Books about Scurry County People and PlacesBooks about Scurry County 2

Scurry County Unclaimed EstatesScurry County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Snyder, Hermleigh and Fluvana Texas Left a total $92,665 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please share this with your friends and family.There is a link in the article to the Texas comptroller's page where you can make a claim . . . see the list

Scurry County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and Historic Records from Snyder, Hermleigh, Dunn, Fluvanna and Ira, Texas. See Scurry County Treasures (eBay)

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