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Life in Hale County Texas 1800 - 1950
Plainview Texas in 1890

Plainview Texas in 1890

Photo of Plainview Texas in 1890 showing wide dirt street with cattle, horse-drawn freight wagons and Melton Leach Mercantile store.

The idea of founding a town here began in 1886 when Z. T. Maxwell moved with his family and 2,000 sheep from Floyd County and established a farm in what is now northeast Hale County. About the same time Edwin Lowden Lowe took up residence north of the Maxwell homestead. Enticed by the possibility of founding a town, Maxwell and Lowe secured a post office on March 18, 1887. Plainview became the county seat when Hale County was organized in August of 1888. To celebrate the occasion, Maxwell fired his rifle from each corner of the courthouse square and was charged with “shooting a weapon within the corporate limits,” but he was eventually acquitted.


Books about Hale County People and Places

Books about Hale County People and PlacesBooks about People from Plainview, Hale Center, Petersburg and Abernathy Texas

Early Life in Floyd County Tx

West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Vintage Texas Photos (eBay Ads)

Famous People from Texas County by County

Growing up in Plainview, Texas

Strait Outta Plainview

I [Live] . [Lived] in Plainview . Texas

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