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Famous People from Floyd County, Texas.

Famous People from Floyd County Texas (Collage)

Fascinating stories about people from Barwise, Cedar Hill, Dougherty, Floydada, Lockney and South Plains Texas. Some were famous, some infamous and some just plain amazing.

Listed in Alphabetical Order - Select the picture to read their story.

Michelle AraujoMichelle Araujo

Born December 10, 1973, Michelle Araujo served as Justice of the Peace in Floyd County from 1999 to 2008. She was well on the way to fame as a local justice until something happened that set her on the path to national infamy . . . read more

Gene & Elna Bloys 1947A True Texas Love Story

What Happens when a Rowdy City Boy from Plainview Meets a Pretty Farm Girl from Lockney Texas? The true life story of Gene and Elna Bloys . . . Tap the photo to read more

Price BrookfieldPrice Brookfield

A professional basketball player, Price was born in Floydada, Texas May 11, 1920. He attended high school in Friona and college at West Texas A&M University and Iowa State.  The 6'4" athlete . . . see more

Colby CarthelColby Carthel

Born August 29, 1976 in Floydada Texas. He is a the head coach of the Stephen F. Austin State University . . . more about Colby Carthel

Don CarthelDon Carthel

Born in Dimmitt, Texas July 6, 1952, Carthel started his coaching career in 1975 under legendary coach L.G.Wilson at Floydada High School in Floydada, Texas . . . more about Coach Carthel

Max CrawfordMax Crawford

Award winning author Max Crawford was born near Blanco Canyon on August 6, 1938 and grew up in Floydada, Texas. Many of his novels are set in West Texas . . . more about Crawford

James E (Jim) DoucetteJames E (Jim) Doucette

A successful Banker, Entrepreneur and Author who has spent most of his life in Floyd County Texas. James grew up in the Northeast but it seems he got here as quick as he could . . . more about Doucette

George J. EadeGeorge J. Eade

Born in Lockney, Texas October 27, 1921, the future 4-Star General began his military career in 1942 when he was awarded his pilot wings . . . more about General Eade

Maurice EwingMaurice Ewing

Born in Lockney, Texas May 12, 1906, Ewing was the eldest child of of large farming family in Floyd, County. A pioneering geophysicist . . . learn more about this scientist from Floyd County, Texas

Floyd County Veterans MemorialFloyd County Veterans

One of the most beautiful and unique monuments in Texas started as a 4H project in one of the least populated counties in Texas. The article includes close-up photos of each panel so you can read the names of family, friends and ancestors who served in peacetime and war from 1865 to 2016 See their names here

Charlene FinknerCharlene Finkner

Charlene Finkner was born September 21, 1927 in Floydada Texas. She was raised in Floydada and was a third grade teacher in Floydada until she and her husband Don decided to enter the fashion industry . . . what happened next may surprise those who knew her.

Jeff Kimble - Scientist from Floydada TexasH Jeff Kimble

Jeff Kimble was born April 23, 1949 in Floydada Texas as H Jeff Kimble. He is a noted for groundbreaking experiments in physics including the first demonstration of teleportation of a quantum state. Jeff holds five patents and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998.

Delbert Henry Linaweaver aka John Edward ThomasDelbert Henry Linaweaver aka John Edward Thomas

On February 5, 1962, Linaweaver was arrested in Floydada, Texas where he was living after two local men recognized him from a 10 Most Wanted Flyer at the post office . . . continue reading

Joe D. MontgomeryJoe D. Montgomery

Born in Floydada, Texas January 28, 1918,  Montgomery was an Alaskan politician, educator and businessman . . . read more

Jimmy OwensJimmy Owens

Born April 1, 1950 in Floydada, Jimmy was raised raised in Floyd County Texas, Owens spent years exploring Blanco Canyon southeast of Floydada. In 1993 he made a discovery in a ravine that would change history . . . read more about the Jimmy Owens discovery.

Lucy Dean RecordLucy Dean Record

Lucy Dean Record is a nationally recognized professional musician. Record who will turn 95 on June 1, 2019, has been teaching piano lessons in Lockney, Texas since 1946 . . . more about the Queen of Western Swing

Elish RobertsElish Roberts

Little is known about Elish Roberts. How and when he died in Lockney, Texas brought notoriety to his name . . . learn more

Marsha SharpMarsha Sharp

Born August 31, 1952, Sharp first gained recognition for her coaching skills while coaching the Lady Longhorns in Lockney, Texas. She took the rural high school team to . . . read more

Child Actress Martha Lee Sparks from Floydada TexasMartha Lee Sparks

Martha Lee Sparks was born on July 14, 1924 in Floydada, Texas. She was a child actress, known for the 1929 film Happy Days and the 1930 film So This Is London. more about Martha Lee Sparks

Garry TempletonGarry Templeton

Born in Lockney, Texas March 24, 1956, Templeton is a former professional baseball shortstop . . . more about Templeton

David Terrell

Former NFL safety David Terrell was born in Floydada, Texas July 8, 1975. He attended high school in Sweetwater . . . more about Terrell

Arland ThompsonArland Thompson

Born in Lockney Texas September 19, 1957, Thompson is a former NFL player who turned scientist after his retirement from football in 1987 . . . read more

Damon WashingtonDamon Washington

Born February 20, 1977 in Lockney, Texas. Washington is a former NFL running back . . . more about Damon Washington

Louie WelchLouie Welch

Born in Lockney, Texas December 09, 1918. Louie's father worked as an auto mechanic and his mother taught Bible class at the Church of Christ . . .  find out why he was famous

Don WilliamsDon Williams

Born in Floydada, Texas in 1939, the celebrated country singer and songwriter grew up in Portland, Texas . . . read more

Coach L.G WilsonL. G. Wilson

Born November 5, 1924 in Anson, Texas, legendary head coach and athletic director L.G. Wilson coached at Floydada High School from 1968 to 1982 . . . more on Coach Wilson



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