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Ochiltree County Unclaimed Estates

Ochiltree County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Ochiltree County left $120,354 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please Share this with your Family and Friends from Perryton, Booker, Waka and Farnsworth Texas to Let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office.

It is my sincere hope that the heirs to these Ochiltree County estates will be able to claim their inheritance. The list below may include estates listed more than once due to multiple claims, misspelled names and incorrect addresses. Check this list carefully to discover money from unclaimed property that may be due your family. There is a link at the bottom where you can search and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.
Know the Heirs? Let them know   
74066137 Elsie Turner Estate  $80,010 Perryton 
62884790 Estate of Manuel Jimenez  $12,500 Perryton 
93425260 Coy Estate of Joann G Mc  $7,282 Perryton 
62884788 Estate of Eunice Jimenez  $5,000 Perryton 
62884792 Estate of Yavetz Jimenez  $5,000 Perryton 
83678180 Estate of Theodore K Seeman  $2,323 Perryton 
53014180 Estate of Eunice Jimenez  $1,000 Perryton 
53014185 Estate of Manuel Jimenez  $1,000 Perryton 
64142325 Estate of Ruby Burrow  $790 Booker 
93154575 Estate of James R Collins  $600 Perryton 
68335117 Estate of Maureen Bernard  $524 Perryton 
68291666 James Hudson Estate  $513 Perryton 
92293721 Estate of Minnie A Calliham  $508 Perryton 
92293720 Estate of Minnie A Calliham  $335 Perryton 
93425258 Coy Estate of Joann G Mc  $257 Perryton 
47419942 Orville Flaming Estate  $199 Perryton 
22797026 Andrew C Caldwell Estate  $191 Perryton 
37139804 Orville Flaming Estate  $147 Perryton 
93425259 Coy Estate of Joann G Mc  $130 Perryton 
79963064 Estate of Ronda Williams  $120 Perryton 
35148240 Leslie Hamlin Estate  $112 Booker 
30493808 Estate of George L Osborne  $109 Perryton 
8677418 Estate of Florine P Daley  $101 Perryton 
31178668 Sam Handly Estate  $99 Perryton 
31178457 Sam Handly Estate  $97 Perryton 
31178458 Jean Hargues Estate  $92 Perryton 
52955718 Estate of William W Dudley  $89 Perryton 
13695370 Estate of Virginia Dunn  $79 Booker 
46397342 Thomas Reeves Life Estate  $78 Booker 
67564974 Otis Allen Pulliam Life Estate  $67 Perryton 
31178464 Charley Helton Estate  $67 Perryton 
52512852 Estate of Ben Cook  $62 Perryton 
97736245 Orville Flaming Estate  $61 Perryton 
79963063 Estate of Nelley Helfenbein  $60 Perryton 
97736244 Orville Flaming Estate  $60 Perryton 
67985076 Debra Kerl Estate  $55 Perryton 
59909454 Estate of Sandra B Crain  $55 Perryton 
47950879 Arthur George Meller Estate  $54 Perryton 
20949812 J M Anderson Estate  $54 Perryton 
10033142 Twila Brown Zink Estate  $51 Perryton 
47950878 Arthur George Meller Estate  $50 Perryton 
20949814 J M Anderson Estate  $47 Perryton 
8677760 Estate of Buddy J Larue  $44 Perryton 
10033449 Twila Brown Zink Estate  $38 Perryton 
363725 Thomas Reeves Life Estate  $37 Booker 
47696866 Estate of Flaming, Braden G  $33 Perryton 
52955322 Estate of Jacque M Stephens  $32 Booker 
20949813 J M Anderson Estate  $31 Perryton 
94479062 Estate of Freda M Stafford  $29 Perryton 
55530668 Orville Flaming Estate  $28 Perryton 
96886628 James E Battin Estate  $28 Perryton 
54403229 Robert Estate of Hyer Jr  $27 Perryton 

This is a partial list showing only Ochiltree County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000 or Browse unclaimed estates by county

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance or search for individual names at Texas Unclaimed Property


Unclaimed Property Recovered from Abandoned Safety Deposit Boxes.

Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds, fine jewelry and collectibles at public auction. Check out current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas here.



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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