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Life in Potter County Tx 1850 to 1950
Amarillo Texas Initiates First Mother-In-Law Day in 1934

Amarillo Texas Initiates First Mother-In-Law Day in 1934

Mother-in-Law Day was first observed on March 5, 1934, in Amarillo Texas, where it was started by Gene Howe, editor of the local newspaper and publisher of the "Tactless Texan" newspaper column after he somehow offended his mother-in-law Nellie Donald. To make amends,  Howe announced in his column that Mother-In-Law day would henceforth be celebrated along with the Amarillo Fat Stock Show celebration on March fifth. Today it is celebrated nationally on the fourth Sunday in October. On this day Mother-In-Laws get special treatment which may include special gifts for mother-in-laws such as a book, jewelry, plaque, mugs, link or Facebook post. Anything to let your mother-in-law  know she is appreciated and you remembered her on her special day.


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Potter County Treasures

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Potter County Unclaimed Estates

Potter County Unclaimed Estates

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