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Famous People from Tom Green County Texas
Marc Menchaca
Marc Menchaca
Born in San Angelo Texas October 10, 1975, Marc attended Central High School. He has appeared in numerous films and television series. He is an actor and writer, known for Ozark, Homeland and She's Lost Control.

Menchaca was co-director, co-writer and lead actor of the, 2013 Heartland Film Festival Award Winning movie “This Is Where We Live”, In 2016, he played a lead role as Bob Stevens a veteran struggling with memory loss, in the Kyle Ham, directed film “Reparation”. Menchaca powerhouse performance earned best actor at the Breckonridge Film Festival, with the film receiving a further 10 film festival awards, including the Austin Film Festival ‘s “Audience Choice prize”, and ”Best Film” at the Santa Fe Film Festival.

In the 2018 Netflix television series Ozark , Menchaca played a recurring role as Russ Langmore, a man struggling to suppress his inner gay, the father of Wyatt and Three, uncle of Ruth, brother to Boyd and Cade.”. Menchaca has had regular recent roles on television in The Sinner and Manifest. Menchaca will appear again on our TV screens with Jason Bateman in 2019, in the upcoming Stephen King TV Horror series The Outsider where he plays Jack Hoskins for all 10 episodes.


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