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Life in Sterling County Texas 1850 - 1950

Sterling County, Texas from 1850 to 1950 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers. This was life in Texas as our parents, grandparents and ancestors saw it.

Sterling County Courthouse Sterling County Courthouse

Sterling County Courthouse in Sterling City Texas in early 1900s

Eugenio Garza with Sons in Sterling in 1930sEugenio Garza with Sons in Sterling in 1930s

In the late 1930s to early 1940s Eugenio Garza posed with his three sons in front of his car on the Claude Collins Ranch in Sterling County Texas. The tall cowboy on the right is Manuel Grimaldo.

Sterling City Railroad Depot Early 1900sSterling City Railroad Depot Early 1900s

In the early 1900s a steam locomotive arrives at the Sterling City Railroad Depot to load passengers and load goods from waiting freight wagons

3 Cowboys Near Broome Texas 19293 Cowboys Near Broome Texas 1929

In 1929 three cowboys posed for this large highly-detailed photo on a ranch near Broome Texas in Sterling County

Sterling City in Early 1900sSterling City in Early 1900s

Sometime in the early 1900s thirteen people posed in front of the Dunn Brothers Livery in Sterling City Texas


West Texas History & Memories

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

Amazing People from Texas County by County

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Texas History by Category and Event

Books about Sterling County People

Books about Sterling County Texas People and Places


What's your Favorite Book about a Texas County, Town, Person or Place? Here's our best reads list County by County


Mysterious TexasTrue Stories of Amazing People and Places in Texcas
 Loneliest, Least Populated Counties in Texas
Texas Cowboy HistoryBooks about Texas People County by County

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