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Life in Lamb County Texas 1850 - 1950

Lamb County, Texas from 1850 to 1950 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers. This was life in Texas as our parents, grandparents and ancestors saw it in Amherst, Earth, Littlefield, Olton, Spade, Springlake and Sudan Texas.

Downtown Littlefield in 1940sDowntown Littlefield in 1940s

Very nice photo of downtown Littlefield Texas in the 1940s captures vintage cars, CocaCola signs at the drug store and across the street near the Palace Theatre.

Downtown Littlefield in 1920sDowntown Littlefield in 1929

Very busy day on Phelps Ave (now Main Street) in downtown Littlefield in 1929.

Littlefield School Truck in 1923Littlefield School Truck in 1923

In 1923 Eddie Davis built this "School Truck" for the city of Littlefield Texas. A school truck was a truck converted to a bus for the purpose of transporting school children in rural areas to and from school.

Grocery Store in Olton 1930sGrocery Store in Olton 1930s

Sometime in the 1930s Mae Harper (Bley) and C. E. Bley posed with staff and family in their grocery store in Olton Texas. Mae is pictured in middle at the counter and Clarence Bley on the far right.

Farmer and Wife with Horses in 1930sFarmer and Wife with Horses in 1930s

In the 1930s Melvin Collins and his wife Blanche Langford Collins posed with their horses on their farm near Earth Texas. Photograph courtesy of their great granddaughter, Tina Collins

Lodge Hotel In Littlefield Texas 1915Lodge Hotel In Littlefield Texas 1915

In 1915 local residents showed off their cars in front of the Lodge Hotel in Littlefield Texas in this huge incredibly detailed photo

Lums Chapel Church Pastor's Home Littlefield 1948Lums Chapel Church Pastor's Home Littlefield 1948


June & Elaine WatsonJune & Elaine Watson

Sometime between 1920 and 1930 the Chisholm Studio in Littlefield took this wonderful portrait of June and Elaine Watson

Littlefield 2nd Grade Class in 1938Littlefield 2nd Grade Class in 1938

In 1938 Littlefield Texas 2nd graders posed in front of their school showing off the musical instruments they had learned to play

T.C. and Dean Faver on a farm near Littlefield in 1964T.C. and Dean Faver on a farm near Littlefield in 1964

In 1964 T. C. and Dean Faver stopped to chat beside an irrigation well in Lamb County when this photo was taken for an ad promoting butane as a fuel for farm equipment.

Jim & Ben Davidson of Sudan in 1966Jim & Ben Davidson of Sudan in 1966

Jim and Ben Davidson survey their herd of cattle on their farm near Sudan Texas in 1966 for an ad in a national farm magazine.

Littlefield Texas School Bus 1924Littlefield Texas School Bus 1924

In 1924 the Littlefield High School Pep Squad Posed with and in the Littlefield Independent School District bus

James and Pauline James Gandy in Littlefield in 1944James and Pauline James Gandy Littlefield Tx 1944

In 1944 James Gandy posed with his mother, Pauline James Gandy, wearing patriotic overalls possibly in honor of his father.


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Lamb County Historic Treasure

Rare books, historical documents, genealogy and nostalgic collectibles from  Littlefield, Amherst, Earth, Olton and Sudan Texas (eBay Ads) . . . see them all

Books about Lamb County People and Places

Books about Lamb County Texas People and PlacesBooks about Lamb County

Lamb County Estates with Unclaimed Money

Lamb County Texas Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Littlefield, Sudan, Springlake, Amherst and Olton Texas Left a total $41,724 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

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