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Gray County Unclaimed Estates

Gray County Unclaimed Estates Probate

Unclaimed estates in Gray County, Pampa, Mclean and Lefors Texas have $86,452 due heirs and beneficiaries often as a result of insurance death benefits and mineral royalties. This can happen when assets are found after probate or when estates are not probated.

NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know     
Estate of Jerry Carpenter  $13,898 Pampa 
Terry Ellis Estate  $6,882 Pampa 
Estate of Potts, Joyzelle  $6,556 Pampa 
Sallie Lee Brainard Estate Trust  $5,421 Pampa 
Estate of Jerrie Cady  $4,568 Lefors 
Marjorie Estate  $3,739 Pampa 
Estate of Jack Lee Jones  $2,947 Pampa 
Estate of Frank Anderson  $2,920 Pampa 
Estate of Jack Humphreys  $2,507 Pampa 
Estate of Frances Hesson  $1,771 Pampa 
Estate of Charles Duenkel J  $1,475 Pampa 
Estate of Jose Ponce  $1,394 Pampa 
Jack Barber Estate  $1,350 Pampa 
Paul Hinton Estate  $1,186 Pampa 
Betty Roberts Estate  $1,110 Pampa 
Pearl A Langley Estate  $1,007 Pampa 
Estate of Alma Duncan  $1,000 Pampa 
Estate of Howard Huggins  $1,000 Pampa 
Estate of Ola Taylor Gordon  $1,000 Pampa 
Estate of Charles D Cox The  $1,000 Pampa 
Estate of Inga C Hunt The  $883 Pampa 
Estate of Alice  $857 Pampa 
Estate of O G Stokely  $853 Pampa 
Doretta E Moore Estate  $825 Pampa 
Doretta E Moore Estate  $799 Pampa 
Porfirio Moreno Estate Jr  $748 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $715 Pampa 
Mae Franklin Estate  $667 Pampa 
Estate of Jb Maguire  $650 Pampa 
Estate of Billie Jo Schulz  $620 Pampa 
Nellie Shipley Life Estate  $600 Pampa 
Estate of James Bullard  $590 Pampa 
Estate of Virginia Doss  $585 Pampa 
Vera Williams Estate  $573 Pampa 
Lonnie Goodner Estate  $556 Pampa 
Estate of J B Maguire Jr  $538 Pampa 
Estate of Willie R Hunt  $516 Pampa 
Estate of Freda Seitz  $500 Pampa 
Estate of Hazel Ford  $500 Pampa 
Estate of Nettie L Cole  $500 Pampa 
Rankin Wright Estate  $475 Pampa 
Nellie Shipley Life Estate  $392 Pampa 
Riley Archibald Estate  $371 Pampa 
Chenoweth Estate  $365 Pampa 
J A Estate Watkins  $288 Mclean 
Max Pennick Estate  $280 Pampa 
J G Morrison Estate  $265 Pampa 
Estate of Nettie L Cole  $262 Pampa 
Estate of Cecil Hicks  $254 Pampa 
Estate of Anita Colley  $244 Pampa 
William Rogers Estate  $236 Pampa 
Estate of Lela Beckham The  $231 Pampa 
Estate of Richard B Palmer Jr  $213 Pampa 
R Orr Estate $205 Pampa 
Estate of James R Baggett  $200 Pampa 
Bernadine M Glassey Estate  $191 Mclean 
Estate of Jb Maguire  $183 Pampa 
Leona Hale Estate  $171 Pampa 
J B Maguire Jr Estate  $162 Pampa 
Joe Phillips Estate  $156 Pampa 
Estate of Linda Smith  $153 Pampa 
Jenny R Adair Life Estate  $151 Pampa 
Estate of Della M Mccampbell  $149 Pampa 
Doretta E Moore Estate  $145 Pampa 
Estate of J B M  $144 Pampa 
William Estate of William C  $139 Pampa 
Estate of J B M  $137 Pampa 
Estate of James Schaffer  $136 Pampa 
Dannie R Miller Estate  $134 Pampa 
Estate of Olivia D Higginbotham  $126 Pampa 
Estate of Beverly Ballard  $121 Pampa 
The Estate of Johnny Dominguez  $119 Pampa 
Elizabeth Thomas Estate  $111 Pampa 
Estate of Patsy Tompkins  $108 Pampa 
Rudy Ramirez Estate  $108 Pampa 
Stokely Estate  $106 Pampa 
Estate of Thomas Suggs  $102 Pampa 
Estate of Jack Stroup  $102 Pampa 
Estate of William Schell  $102 Pampa 
Jan S Lockhart Life Estate  $100 Pampa 
Estate of Carolyn A Heavner  $98 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $93 Pampa 
Estate of Antonio T Acuna Jr  $91 Mclean 
Dunn Wanda Glyn Estate  $90 Pampa 
J B Maguire Jr Estate  $90 Pampa 
The Estate of James Miller Miller  $88 Pampa 
Eller Estate  $88 Pampa 
Estate of Beverly Ballard  $87 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate Decd  $84 Pampa 
Estate of Jimmie Allen  $83 Pampa 
Doretta E Moore Estate  $80 Pampa 
Estate of Donna Anderson  $78 Pampa 
Estate of Jackie Mcdowell  $78 Pampa 
Estate of Ina Tolber   $75 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate Decd  $75 Pampa 
Dunn Wanda Glyn Estate  $68 Pampa 
Charles Estate of Davis  $68 Pampa 
Bob Mccoy Estate  $67 Pampa 
Estate of Joann Shilinsky  $66 Pampa 
Estate of Garold Bromlow  $66 Pampa 
Estate of Michel Wiley  $65 Pampa 
Estate of Cynthia Leming  $65 Mclean 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $64 Pampa 
Estate of Charles W Sexton  $60 Pampa 
Estate of Woods, Harley O  $56 Pampa 
Estate of Carolyn Eggleston  $55 Pampa 
Estate of Annas F Seitz  $55 Pampa 
Estate of Robert L Gordy  $51 Pampa 
Estate of Lloyd Lake  $51 Pampa 
Estate of R Wells  $50 Pampa 
Estate of Reggie Dehay  $49 Pampa 
Estate of H Grady  $45 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $45 Pampa 
Estate of K Lambright  $41 Pampa 
Estate of Mary Earnestine Snider Cade  $41 Pampa 
Estate of Sam White  $41 Pampa 
Estate of Jolly, James  $41 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $40 Pampa 
Mable Dee Reynolds Estate  $39 Pampa 
Estate of Johnny E Claunch  $38 Pampa 
Estate of Mary E Ward  $37 Pampa 
Estate of Marie Eastham  $37 Pampa 
Estate of Joann Shil  $37 Pampa 
Estate of Eugene Young  $36 Pampa 
Aaron A Sturgeon Estate  $35 Pampa 
Nellie Life Estate Shipley  $34 Pampa 
Estate of Janet Austin  $33 Pampa 
Estate of Marilyn H Lewis  $30 Pampa 
Estate of Lottie Cary  $27 Pampa 
Estate of John G Hahn  $27 Pampa 
E B Estate Daley  $26 Pampa 
Dunn Wanda Glyn Estate  $26 Pampa 
Estate of Mildred B Plemons  $25 Pampa 

This is a partial list showing only Gray County unclaimed estates.

To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See more sorted by city

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Texas Unclaimed Property



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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Life in Gray County Texas 1850-1950

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