Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Deaf Smith County Texas 1850 - 1950
Glen Rio State Line Cafe in 1930s

Glen Rio State Line Cafe in 1930s

In the 1930s the Glen Rio State Line Cafe in Deaf Smith County Texas was a must stop place for thirsty people from West Texas because beer sales were legal in New Mexico. The cafe offered ice Cold Beer, Groceries, Curios, Texaco products and Astral Cards. The location of Glenrio on Texas and New Mexico border led to some interesting business practices. At one point, all fuel was dispensed in Texas due to New Mexico's higher gasoline taxes. The 1930s State Line Bar and motel were built in New Mexico because Deaf Smith County, Texas, was dry at the time. The railroad station was in Texas. The local post office, built around 1935, was in New Mexico. A water tank and windmill in New Mexico were constructed around 1945.

The Joseph Brownlee House, constructed in Amarillo in 1930, was moved to Glenrio in 1950. Glenrio was the site of the "First Motel in Texas" / "Last Motel in Texas" (Homer Ehresman's family-run 1953 State Line Café and Gas Station and 1955 Texas Longhorn Motel, closed in 1976) and other businesses that straddled the state line on U.S. Route 66 for many years until Interstate 40 bypassed the community in September 1973



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