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Amazing People from Tom Green County Texas

Fess Parker

Born August 16, 1924, Fess Parker grew up on a farm outside San Angelo Texas. He was a star quarterback for San Angelo High School. He's best known for his portrayal of historic figures Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.


He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in the latter part of World War II, hoping to become a pilot. He was turned down because he was too tall at 6 feet 6 inches. He then tried to become a radioman gunner, but he was found too big to fit comfortably into the rear cockpit. He was finally transferred to the United States Marine Corps as a radio operator and shipped out for the South Pacific shortly before the atom bomb ended the war.


He was discharged in 1946 and went to Hardin–Simmons University in Abilene, Texas where he was involved in an argument over a car accident and was stabbed in the neck.


Fess retired from the screen in 1964 and went into real estate, which was profitable. He was later forced to sue his "Daniel Boone" producers over the profits generated by the series.


The farm boy from San Angelo who was every baby boomer's idol in the 1950s and launched a craze for coonskin caps as television's Davy Crockett died March 18, 2010 in California.


West Texas History & Memories

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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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San Angelo, TX: History and Memories

Amazing People from Tom Green County

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Life in Tom Green County Texas 1875 - 1950Life in San Angelo Texas 1875 - 1950
Books about Tom Green County People and Places

Books about Tom Green County TexasBooks about People from Tom Green County

Tom Green County Unclaimed EstatesTom Green County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of San Angelo, Grape Creek, Knickerbocker and Christoval Texas Left a total $392,653 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

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