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True Stories of Amazing People and Places in Texas

Life in Scurry County Texas 1850 - 1950
Digging First Oil Well in Scurry County 1924

Digging First Oil Well in Scurry County 1924

These men are breaking ground on the discovery well of the Sharon Ridge oil field, J.J. Moore No. 1. This was the first oil well in Scurry County and began production in 1924. The man in the center is Pat Moor. The well was completed to 3575 feet in the San Andreas formation, and yielded over 500,000 barrels of oil.
Photo: Paula Parks Fulford; Aline Parks Collection



West Texas History & Memories

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Vintage Texas Photos (eBay Ads)

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Books about Texas People and Places

Scurry County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and Historic Records from Snyder, Hermleigh, Dunn, Fluvanna and Ira, Texas. See Scurry County Treasures (eBay)
Life in Scurry County 1850-1950

Life in Scurry County TexasLife in Scurry County

Amazing People from Scurry County Texas

Amazing People from Scurry County TexasPeople from from Snyder, Hermleigh, Dunn, Fluvanna Pyron and Ira Texas

Books about Scurry County People and Places

Books about Scurry County People and PlacesBooks about Scurry County 2


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