America's Loneliest Counties

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Cottle County, Texas
Seat: Paducah



Least Populated

Counties in Texas

Map of Least Populated Counties in Texas
The population of Cottle County, Texas fell by 53 in 2013 bringing the total to 1452 people living in 963 homes and apartments spread across 901 square miles. The new estimate moves Cottle County to number 61 in our list of least populated counties in the US.


People who live in Cottle County have an annual income of $21429 which is $4380 less than the statewide average for Texas. The average per capita income nationwide is $28051. Cottle County ranks number 106 for highest income in sparsely populated counties.


Homes are cheap here with the median value of a home being $40800 compared to $181400 nationwide. 79.3% of housing units in Cottle County are occupied by their owners.


The US Census Bureau reports 2.8% of the county's residents are foreign immigrants who have settled in one of the most remote places in America.


The First Marlboro ManAmazing People from Cottle County include the original Marlboro Man, Clarence Hailey Long as well as football player Maury Bray and Texas state representative William S Heatly.

Books about Cottle County People and Places

Books about Cottle County TexasBooks about about Paducah, Delwin, Ginsite, Cee Vee, Chalk and Hackberry Texas

Cottle County Unclaimed EstatesCottle County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Cottle County Left a total $8,316 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Cottle County, Paducah Texas to let them know how to claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list


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