Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Lubbock County Texas 1850 - 1950
Bound for Lubbock in 1938

Bound for Lubbock Texas  in 1938

This family with seven children from Arkansas were on their way to Lubbock in 1938 looking for a better life. The father was a blacksmith in Paris, Arkansas. Eldest son was a tenant farmer. They stopped to fix a flat in Oklahoma when photographer Dorothea Lang took this photo. The son told the photographer, "We're bound for Lubbock Texas. We're not going back to Arkansas; believe I can better myself"



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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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Lubbock County Treasures (eBay Ads)

Lubbock County TreasureLubbock County Treasures

Books about Lubbock County People and Places

Books about Lubbock County People and Places

Lubbock County Estates with Unclaimed Money

Lubbock County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Lubbock, Idalou, Wolfforth, Slaton, Shallowater and New Deal Texas Left a total $692,081 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

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