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Books About Hartley County Texas People and Places
What's Your Favorite Book about a Hartley County Texas Person, Place or Event? Here are some of our favorites about Channing, Dalhart and  Hartley Texas


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Indians, Cattle, Ships and OilIndians, Cattle, Ships and Oil: The Story of W. M. D. Lee

Indian trader, rancher, harbor developer, oil impresario—these are the many worlds of one of the least chronicled but most fascinating characters of the American West. "As the site for a permanent ranch headquarters, Lee purchased a Spanish settlement located on Trujillo Creek in Hartley County, approximately three miles east of the New Mexico border. As a consequence, several . . . Read more Look inside

Spare Time in Texas: Recreation and History in the Lone Star State

What do Texans' pastimes and recreations say about their characters? Looking at Texas history from a new angle, David McComb starts from the premise that how people spend their leisure time may well reveal more about their true natures and interests than the work they do or their family connections. "Friends and the county supplied her with food, coal, and kerosene. Her well caved in, rattlesnakes denned under the house, and Frenchy became deaf, toothless, thin, and enfeebled. She finally allowed a friend in nearby Channing, Texas to take her . . . Read more Look inside

Yours to Command: The Life and Legend of Texas Ranger Captain Bill McDonald

Captain Bill McDonald (1852–1918) is the most prominent of the "Four Great Captains" of Texas Ranger history. His career straddled the changing scene from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries. "A few months earlier the sheriff of Hartley County was taken into custody by Panhandle Rangers and housed in the Amarillo jail for stealing several thousand dollars of county funds. Sergeant Britton temporarily assumed  the duties of the office of sheriff . . ." Read more Look inside

6000 Miles of Fence

The fabulous XIT Ranch has been celebrated in song, story, and serious history. This book of reminiscences of old XIT cowmen puts on record the everyday life of the individuals who made the ranch run. Found Inside: "Henry Eubanks, foreman of the Rito Blanco in the 1890's, turned away from ranching, becoming a county judge in Channing. Eubanks was remembered kindly by the hands because he had two eligible daughters, he personally disagreed as to their eligibility, particularly when his Lulu was mentioned. The cowboys joked frequently that  . . . " Read more Look inside

The LS Brand: The Story of a Texas Panhandle Ranch

Drawing upon stories told to her by men and women who were with the LS during the 1880’s and later years, Dulcie Sullivan presents her narrative in a clear, straightforward, but sympathetic manner that gives the reader a vivid sense of how life was really lived there in those times . . . Read more Look inside

Cow Boys and Cattle Men: Class and Masculinities on the Texas Frontier, 1865-1900

"In the Texas panhandle, it was not the political parties who ran candidates but XIT and LS Ranches. Either way, cattlemen dominated local politics. In 1896, XIT ranchers ensured Hartley County seat would be in company town Channing rather than Hartley by rounding up illegal votes, presumably from among its . . . Read more Look inside

The XIT Ranch of Texas and the Early Days of the Llano Estacado

Among the famous ranch brands of Texas are the T Anchor, JA, Diamond Tail, 777, Bar C, and XIT. And the greatest of these was XIT—The XIT Ranch of Texas.
"As the only town in the western Panhandle when the XIT development started, Tascosa became the focal point for the ranch business. When the railroad built through, the XIT's shifted headquarters to Channing . . ." Read more Look inside

Farwell's Folly: The Rise and Fall of the XIT Ranch in Texas

Farwell’s Folly is the story of the development of that land into the XIT Ranch, the largest cattle ranch in the world, stretching across ten counties and requiring 6,000 miles of fencing. It has been more than 30 years since a book has come out on the famous XIT ranch of Texas. Now Texas writer Dede Casad brings this mystique of this historic ranch out of the tumble weeds of West Texas into the modern age for readers who love to read about the often forgotten tales of early Texas . . . . Read more Look inside

A Taste of Texas Ranching: Cooks and Cowboys

A Taste of Texas Ranching takes readers to more than thirty ranches in the Lone Star State and introduces them to the cook at each one. A cookbook, history book, geography book, story book, and a book about western America, A Taste of Texas Ranching serves up a slice of life along with a piece of the pie ...

"Barber Ranch, Channing, Texas. Dale and Mary Ann Barber showing for fun and profit. Driving around the Channing / Dumas area after dark leaves you with the impression that someone forgot to turn out all the . . . Read more Look inside

The Book of Years: a History of Dallam and Hartley Counties

by Lillie Mae Hunter


West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

Famous People from Texas County by County

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Vintage Texas Photos (eBay #Ad)


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