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Bastrop County Unclaimed Estates

Bastrop County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Bastrop County left a total $327,959  in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please Share this with your Family and Friends in Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Elgin, Mcdade, Paige,  Red Rock, Rosanky and Smithville Texas and let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office. There is a direct link in the article to the Texas comptroller's page where you can make a claim. It is my sincere hope that someone here will be able to claim their inheritance.

Know the Heirs? Let them know     
Estate of Luis Venegas   $   32,575 Bastrop 
Estate of Harold Jones   $   17,826 Smithville 
Estate of Lydia T Pena   $   12,558 Bastrop 
Estate of Santana Pena Sr   $   12,558 Bastrop 
Estate of Ruby M Whittington   $   11,820 Elgin 
Estate of Larry Langsdale   $   11,422 Smithville 
Estate of Tc Klink   $   10,470 Bastrop 
Estate of Harold Ainsworth   $     9,799 Bastrop 
Estate of Jeffrey Erwin   $     8,958 Smithville 
Eddie Lamar Williford Estate   $     8,235 Bastrop 
Estate of Santana Pena   $     7,195 Bastrop 
Estate of Dorothy Soule   $     7,048 Rosanky 
Patricia D Henderson Estate   $     5,778 Bastrop 
To The Estate of Corey Carlson   $     5,238 Elgin 
Estate of Clark Whitaker   $     5,068 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Ulysses Hawkins   $     5,000 Elgin 
Robert C Runkle Estate   $     4,564 Bastrop 
Jeffery F Brown Estate   $     4,129 Bastrop 
Estate of Robert Caudle   $     4,016 Cedar Creek 
Jerome Kypfer Estate   $     3,949 Smithville 
Agapita M Miranda Estate   $     3,909 Bastrop 
Estate of Betty C Knipe   $     3,489 Paige 
Nancy Ramos Estate   $     3,476 Elgin 
Robert E Kempin Estate   $     3,449 Smithville 
Estate of Marilyn Kellar   $     3,395 Bastrop 
Estate of Glen E Garner   $     3,381 Rosanky 
Estate John C Kistler   $     3,236 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Audrey H Pfeiffer   $     3,221 Elgin 
Vivian Bryant Estate   $     3,018 Elgin 
Estate of Nina Lumpkins   $     3,000 Bastrop 
Estate of Fernando Jonse Sr   $     3,000 Elgin 
Estate of Carl Carlson   $     2,795 Elgin 
Albert P Williams Estate   $     2,778 Mcdade 
Estate of James E Smith   $     2,681 Smithville 
Estate of Georg H Book   $     2,642 Bastrop 
Estate of Martin   $     2,591 Elgin 
Estate of Clark Whitaker   $     2,525 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Elizabeth Carr   $     2,331 Smithville 
Woth Nelson Estate   $     2,244 Bastrop 
Estate of Viola E Maynard   $     2,128 Elgin 
Gwynne Marie Gresham Estate   $     2,113 Bastrop 
Elsie P Crawford Estate   $     2,000 Bastrop 
Margie Wooten Estate   $     1,996 Elgin 
Estate of Ruby J Barr   $     1,781 Paige 
Estate of Bruce D Kelsey   $     1,769 Bastrop 
Estate of Cheryll Meador   $     1,728 Bastrop 
Jannine Peterson Estate   $     1,646 Bastrop 
Estate of Tom F Prasek   $     1,370 Smithville 
Estate of Perry R Blalock   $     1,333 Bastrop 
Estate of Walter B Thomas   $     1,325 Elgin 
Estate of Harold Ainsworth   $     1,324 Bastrop 
Estate of Katie Browning   $     1,306 Bastrop 
Opal M Jones Life Estate   $     1,303 Smithville 
Vernon Fiene Estate   $     1,266 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Janecka   $     1,207 Elgin 
Estate of Sherry L Babin   $     1,197 Elgin 
Estate of Dorothy Harper   $     1,159 Paige 
Ricardo Campos Estate   $     1,155 Smithville 
Wesley Kilburn Estate   $     1,123 Elgin 
Estate of Terri M Davis   $     1,102 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Bobby A Smith   $     1,099 Bastrop 
Fannie Marx Estate   $     1,038 Red Rock 
Mark Tripp Estate   $     1,033 Elgin 
Estate of Justus Embry Jr   $     1,027 Bastrop 
Samuel Pearce Estate   $     1,000 Bastrop 
Estate of Virginia D Brown   $     1,000 Smithville 
Estate of Viola E Maynard   $        940 Elgin 
Estate of Evelyn Seymour   $        922 Smithville 
Estate of Ian Anderson   $        910 Elgin 
Frances Richards Estate   $        883 Smithville 
Judith Hatten Estate   $        873 Bastrop 
Elora Margason Estate   $        870 Cedar Creek 
Jannie Peterson Estate   $        853 Bastrop 
Estate of Robert J Mele   $        833 Elgin 
Estate of Jeannette Skinner   $        821 Rosanky 
Estate of Daniel Mcdowell   $        812 Cedar Creek 
Woodie Kellough Estate   $        747 Bastrop 
Estate of Shirley Reader   $        720 Smithville 
Estate of Ester Perez   $        706 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Horace Henley   $        691 Bastrop 
Estate Castrejana   $        671 Elgin 
Estate of Edna   $        648 Cedar Creek 
Wesley Kilburn Estate   $        634 Elgin 
Wesley Kilburn Estate   $        634 Elgin 
Estate of Gerald M Baranowski   $        600 Bastrop 
Estate of Viola Wooley   $        590 Bastrop 
Herbert J Boon Life Estate   $        570 Bastrop 
Wesley Kilburn Estate   $        542 Elgin 
Estate of Eula Jackson   $        527 Cedar Creek 
Dixie C Young Estate   $        520 Bastrop 
Estate of Jose Mata   $        519 Elgin 
Ronald Dutton Estate Jr   $        515 Elgin 
Estate of Ambrose Reed   $        507 Bastrop 
Elizabeth L Verastegui Estate   $        506 Elgin 
Estate of Don Jellison   $        505 Smithville 
Estate of Donald H Nolan   $        500 Elgin 
Estate of Helen Whitten   $        490 Elgin 
Betty Bauhs Estate   $        472 Bastrop 
Estate of David P Burger   $        438 Bastrop 
Estate of Christola Lowry Or   $        421 Cedar Creek 
Iga Estate of Tracie Zun   $        405 Smithville 
Estate of Judy E Cox   $        400 Smithville 
Estate of J R Broadhurst   $        382 Bastrop 
Estate of Robert Mackay   $        359 Bastrop 
Estate of Dora Taylor   $        350 Bastrop 
Estate of Lola Smith   $        342 Bastrop 
Estate of Natasha Wesco   $        336 Bastrop 
Estate of Muriel Logenia Lange   $        334 Red Rock 
Estate of Sharon A Moore   $        333 Bastrop 
Estate of Richard Coons   $        319 Smithville 
Estate of Jose Mata   $        319 Elgin 
Estate of B Otto   $        317 Rosanky 
Of James Barb Estate   $        308 Bastrop 
Estate of M M Napper   $        308 Smithville 
Estate of John D Donham   $        306 Smithville 
George Wiber Estate   $        302 Bastrop 
Estate of James Smith   $        300 Bastrop 
Estate of Don B Boitnott   $        300 Rosanky 
Estate of Sisto Mosqueda   $        300 Smithville 
Estate of Charles Cox   $        293 Smithville 
Estate of Joyce M Sawyer   $        280 Elgin 
Estate of Frank D Richards   $        278 Smithville 
Osborn Estate Oil   $        277 Elgin 
Minerva Osborn Estate   $        277 Bastrop 
Ethel Haley Estate   $        257 Bastrop 
Estate of Willie M Simmons The   $        253 Elgin 
Estate of Barbara Miller   $        251 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Hobson Mack   $        250 Elgin 
Estate of Dorothy D Seals   $        250 Elgin 
Estate of Dorothy D Seals   $        250 Elgin 
Alvina Estate of J Arndt   $        249 Elgin 
Estate of Lloyd Foss   $        240 Bastrop 
Estate of Donald R Baker   $        238 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Richard Coons   $        236 Smithville 
Marcelino Torres Estate   $        216 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Jimmy Mendoza   $        216 Bastrop 
Estate of Fred Laake   $        213 Paige 
Estate of Sudheer Varra   $        203 Elgin 
Estate of Mildred F Jackson   $        199 Bastrop 
Estate of Daniel Mcdowell   $        196 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Juanita R Balderas   $        190 Bastrop 
Estate of Mary L Spencer   $        190 Smithville 
Paul Severn Estate   $        188 Bastrop 
Estate of Staci Lamb   $        179 Elgin 
Estate of Roger Smith   $        175 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Audrey H Pfeiffer   $        174 Elgin 
Bowen Estate of Connie S   $        173 Smithville 
Estate of Natasha Wesco   $        172 Bastrop 
Estate of Plonie Black   $        171 Smithville 
Estate of Edwin Taylor   $        170 Bastrop 
Estate Jack Bledsoe   $        164 Bastrop 
Estate of V A Buescher   $        162 Smithville 
Estate of Malcolm Clark   $        162 Smithville 
Estate of Emeline Teague   $        157 Elgin 
Charles E Higgins Estate   $        151 Bastrop 
Allen J Kurtz Estate   $        150 Smithville 
Estate of Barbara A Bienfang   $        148 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Sweet Joan T Scott Peters   $        146 Elgin 
Helen Whitten Estate   $        138 Mcdade 
The Estate of Natalie Hyatt   $        134 Elgin 
Estate of Johnny Sharp   $        130 Smithville 
S Stamper Estate of S   $        126 Bastrop 
Bobbie Medden Estate   $        125 Elgin 
John Christopher Mellenbruch Life Estate   $        120 Bastrop 
Estate of Gail Eskew   $        116 Bastrop 
Estate of Vadie Bernice Oeser   $        115 Bastrop 
Herbert J Boon Life Estate   $        111 Bastrop 
Hope H Goldman Estate   $        110 Bastrop 
Estate of Madison T Blomquist   $        110 Smithville 
Estate of E H Ervin   $        109 Elgin 
Estate of Esther Mitchell   $        109 Bastrop 
Estate of Betty Baker   $        109 Bastrop 
Estate of Sharon Hicks   $        108 Bastrop 
Estate of Sylvia Swearingen   $        107 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Dorothy Moore   $        106 Cedar Creek 
Herbert J Boon Life Estate   $        105 Bastrop 
Licille Porter Enis Estate   $        101 Bastrop 
Alfred E Estate of Linton   $        100 Bastrop 
Estate of Edna   $        100 Cedar Creek 
Estate of W C O Neal Ii   $        100 Elgin 
Estate of Dorotha Merle Stewart  $        100 Elgin 
Estate of Maria E Aguilar   $        100 Bastrop 
Estate of Luis G Lopez   $        100 Bastrop 
Estate of B J Tucker   $           98 Bastrop 
Juanita Sconci Estate   $           98 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Susan K Lewis   $           96 Bastrop 
Estate of Benjamin Olivo   $           90 Elgin 
Estate of David Fisher The   $           90 Elgin 
Estate of Janecka   $           89 Elgin 
Margaret Erwin Life Estate   $           85 Cedar Creek 
Edmond Smith Estate   $           85 Elgin 
Estate of Lillie K Pyle   $           84 Elgin 
Estate of W C O Neal Ii   $           80 Elgin 
Leon R Hunger Estate   $           78 Elgin 
Estate of Jeffrey Erwin   $           78 Smithville 
Estate of Wayne Frye   $           75 Bastrop 
O J Richardson Estate   $           75 Bastrop 
Douglas Donaldson Estate   $           74 Bastrop 
Estate of Philip Lord   $           73 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Mildred F Jackson   $           71 Bastrop 
Estate of Ira V Bearden   $           71 Elgin 
Estate of L Weathers   $           68 Red Rock 
Estate of Gracelia Fabela   $           67 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Myrna J Bushnell   $           66 Red Rock 
Estate of Virginia R Mcmillan   $           66 Smithville 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           66 Rosanky 
Estate of Ernestine Sawyer   $           65 Smithville 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           65 Rosanky 
William Estate of Cardoso   $           63 Bastrop 
Leon R Hunger Estate   $           63 Elgin 
Leon R Hunger Estate   $           62 Elgin 
Hope H Goldman Estate   $           62 Bastrop 
Herbert J Boon Life Estate   $           60 Bastrop 
Estate Charle L Goerner   $           60 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Billie Hodges   $           60 Bastrop 
Estate of Joseph Patterson   $           60 Bastrop 
Estate of Otha L Deshay   $           58 Bastrop 
Estate of Elizabeth Hurd   $           58 Bastrop 
Hope H Goldman Estate   $           58 Bastrop 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           57 Rosanky 
Mildred Blazek Estate   $           57 Elgin 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           55 Rosanky 
Greg Easterly Estate   $           55 Rosanky 
Estate of Patricia Cress   $           54 Bastrop 
Estate of Elizabeth Brosch   $           54 Rosanky 
Hope H Goldman Estate   $           52 Bastrop 
Gratehouse Estate of Troy   $           51 Cedar Creek 
Alford Zoch Life Estate   $           49 Smithville 
Estate of Emma J Allen   $           49 Smithville 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           49 Rosanky 
Estate of Connie S Bowen   $           47 Smithville 
Hope H Goldman Estate   $           47 Bastrop 
Estate of Carol Whited The   $           47 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Floyd Meredith   $           47 Elgin 
Estate of Amy W Buettner   $           47 Elgin 
Estate of David R Carrillo   $           47 Smithville 
Estate of Philip A Lord   $           47 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Madison T Blomquist   $           47 Smithville 
Estate of Madison T Blomquist   $           47 Smithville 
Estate of Terry L Reed   $           46 Smithville 
Estate of David A Mogonye   $           46 Elgin 
Estate Charle L Goerner   $           45 Cedar Creek 
Estate of K Payne   $           45 Elgin 
Fred Estate of Pecenka   $           45 Elgin 
Estate of Fred A Laake   $           44 Paige 
Estate of Patrici A Mccullough   $           43 Elgin 
Anne Cederholm Estate   $           42 Bastrop 
Estate of J Bolster   $           42 Elgin 
Kimberlee A Boehl Estate   $           42 Bastrop 
Brenda Kay Linton Estate   $           42 Bastrop 
Estate of Mary Lois Summers   $           40 Elgin 
Estate of Martha Sue Johnston   $           40 Red Rock 
Estate of Robert L Schorr   $           40 Elgin 
Estate of James Sneed   $           39 Paige 
Estate of S Burnes   $           39 Rosanky 
Estate of Bower Crider   $           39 Bastrop 
Estate of Alberta Peterson   $           38 Smithville 
Estate of Michael L Latouf   $           38 Elgin 
Franklin Franklin Mcdowell Estate   $           37 Smithville 
Donaldson Dorothy B Estate   $           36 Bastrop 
Estate of Bradley Robert Lundren   $           36 Elgin 
Estate of Leon G Bohls   $           35 Bastrop 
Estate of Caseyjames The   $           34 Cedar Creek 
Saron N Edmonson Estate   $           34 Smithville 
Estate D Long   $           32 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Lois Gerlach   $           32 Elgin 
Saron N Edmonson Estate   $           32 Smithville 
Estate of John Woodward   $           32 Smithville 
Estate of Les P Mott   $           31 Bastrop 
Ernestine G Castillo Estate   $           31 Bastrop 
Estate of Hilda M Mooney   $           31 Bastrop 
S M Estate Laney Sr   $           30 Smithville 
Estate of David S Thomsen   $           30 Smithville 
Earl Rosell Estate   $           30 Cedar Creek 
Jessie Davis Estate   $           29 Rosanky 
Estate of Robert L Snow   $           29 Bastrop 
Andrew Pineda Estate   $           29 Elgin 
Estate of I L Beauchamp   $           28 Elgin 
Estate of William H Snyder   $           28 Bastrop 
Estate of Sofia R Baltazar   $           28 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Sofia R Baltazar   $           28 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Doris Ann Ancira   $           28 Elgin 
Kelly Wayne Whitehead Estate   $           27 Bastrop 
Eva Bell Dykes Estate   $           27 Elgin 
Estate of M Cacho   $           26 Bastrop 
Estate of Dorothy Hobbs   $           25 Elgin 
Estate of Maurine Cimerhanzel   $           25 Bastrop 
Estate of Janecka   $           25 Elgin 
Estate of Pauline Rocha   $           25 Elgin 
Gwynne Marie Gresham Estate   $           25 Bastrop 
Estate of Jerry Bunnel   $           25 Cedar Creek 
Estate of Hobson Mack   $           25 Elgin 

This is a partial list showing only Bastrop County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  See more sorted by city or Browse our list County by County

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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Books about Bastrop County People and Places

Books about Bastrop County People and PlacesBooks about Bastrop, Elgin, Smithville, Camp Swift, McDade and Wyldwood, Texas.

Bastrop County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Bastrop, Elgin, Smithville, Camp Swift, McDade and Wyldwood, Texas . . .

Browse Bastrop County Historical Treasures (eBay)


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Bastrop County Unclaimed Estates
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