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Life in Bastrop County Tx 1891-1943

Bastrop County, Texas 1891-1943 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers from Bastrop, Elgin, Smithville, Camp Swift, McDade and Wyldwood, Texas.


Life in Bastrop County Texas 1891 = 1950

Click on the photos below to see full size images
Downtown Smithville in 1935Downtown Smithville in 1935

Smithville Texas was a busy place in 1935 when this photo was captured with vintage cars, drug stores, liquor stores and a Texaco station down the street

Cute Little Girl in Elgin in 1870Cute Little Girl in Elgin in 1870

In the 1870s a cute little girl who may have been called Ella posed for a photo at the Bryan Studio in Elgin Texas

Downtown Elgin Texas in 1910Downtown Elgin Texas in 1910

Very nice old photo of downtown Elgin Texas in 1910 with horses, wagons and pedestrians on the wide dirt street

Young Woman Playing Guitar in 1890Young Woman Playing Guitar in 1890

In 1890 J.S. Blagg took this very nice photo of a young woman playing the guitar in Bastrop Texas

Camp Swift Main Entrance in 1942Camp Swift Main Entrance in 1942

Entrance to Camp Swift in Bastrop Texas in 1942

Bastrop Cafe in 1940sBastrop Cafe in 1940s

Sometime in the 1940s a large crowd gathered in front of the Bastrop Cafe next door to the Texas movie theater

McCaskill Blacksmith in Smithville 1891 - 1909

Two men pause their horse-drawn wagon for a picture in front of K H McCaskill Blacksmith and Wheel Wright Shop in Smithville sometime between 1891 and 1909

Snowstorm Smithville Tx 1920Snowstorm Smithville Tx 1920
Smithville Tx Street Scene 1920 Smithville Street Scene 1920
Smithville Tx Fire Department in 1920Smithville Texas Fire Department in 1920

Post Exchange Camp Swift Bastrop TX 1940Inside View of Post Exchange at Camp Swift in Bastrop in 1940

Lone Star Bakery Delivery Wagon Smithville Horse-Drawn Bakery Delivery Wagon in Smithville Texas

Lone Star Bakery R E Hoppe

Cotton Field Near Smithville Tx Cotton Field and Cotton Choppers Near Smithville
Smithville Residents Relax on the Colorado River in 1900Smithville Residents Relax on the Colorado River in 1900

All dressed up in their Sunday best with trusty rifle at the ready, these early residents of Bastrop County Texas are ready for anything.

Bastrop Texas Railroad Station in 1900Bastrop Texas Railroad Station in 1900

Horse draw wagons wait to pick up weary travelers at the Bastrop Railroad Station in 1900

Bastrop County Courthouse in the 1940s

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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Bastrop Bulletin Board (Facebook)

Books about Bastrop County People and Places

Books about Bastrop County People and PlacesBooks about Bastrop, Elgin, Smithville, Camp Swift, McDade and Wyldwood, Texas.

Bastrop County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Bastrop, Elgin, Smithville, Camp Swift, McDade and Wyldwood, Texas . . .

Browse Bastrop County Historical Treasures (eBay)


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