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Angelina County Unclaimed Estates

Angelina County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Lufkin, Diboll, Hudson,  Huntington and Zavalla Texas left a total $143,910 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs ? Let them know   
 Mary Evelyn Holcombe Estate $25,947 Lufkin
Estate of Willie E Booker $8,261 Lufkin
Estate of Elbert Ralph Brown $7,000 Lufkin
Leo Elisha Terrell Estate $6,054 Lufkin
Estate of Maynard Bryan $5,888 Lufkin
Estate of Willie E Booker $5,146 Lufkin
Estate of Billy R Martin $5,095 Diboll
Estate of Betty Colliy $5,000 Lufkin
Estate of Ulysses Bussey $5,000 Diboll
Betty Mann Estate $3,928 Lufkin
Estate of C Dodson Smith $3,821 Huntington
Estate of Charles E Fougerousse $3,763 Lufkin
Estate of E Ross Kyger III $3,046 Lufkin
J M Malanders Estate $2,341 Diboll
Estate of Christopher Rector $2,297 Lufkin
Darlene Bishop Estate $2,108 Diboll
Jackie D Russell Estate $2,005 Lufkin
Estate of Billie Jean Walton $2,000 Lufkin
Estate of Percy Reece $1,989 Lufkin
Shirley J Thomas Estate $1,822 Lufkin
Estate of Burke Burri $1,742 Huntington
Estate of Oleta Spencer $1,599 Lufkin
Elton Adams Estate $1,474 Lufkin
Estate of Ruby Silvers $1,328 Lufkin
Estate of Harold D Daugherty $1,301 Zavalla
Ina Morris Estate $1,246 Diboll
Estate of Lynn C Holmes J $1,191 Lufkin
Estate of Elbert Ralph Brown $1,167 Lufkin
Imo J Estate Baker $1,124 Lufkin
Estate of Lethe Farris $1,051 Huntington
Estate of Clare $1,040 Lufkin
Estate of Vernis W Busselle $1,000 Lufkin
Estate of Suzy Barker $1,000 Lufkin
Ronald Bordner Estate $997 Lufkin
Earnest Horace Estate $981 Lufkin
Estate of Helen Reynolds $937 Lufkin
Estate of Evelyn Mcgaughey $860 Lufkin
Simmons Robert Estate $831 Lufkin
Estate of Roy D Oglesby $719 Lufkin
Grace Corbett Estate $705 Lufkin
Estate of Willard M Walden $700 Lufkin
Larry Morris Estate $557 Lufkin
Estate of Robert W Allen $516 Lufkin
Estate of Carl Coutee $500 Lufkin
Estate of Jesse D Rankin $500 Lufkin
Estate of Jack R Thompson $428 Lufkin
Estate of Emma Harris $416 Hudson
Robert B Shettlesworth Estate $404 Lufkin
Dorothy L Beene Estate $399 Lufkin
Billy Johnson Estate $399 Lufkin
Estate of Norma White $396 Diboll
Sarah Watson Estate $395 Lufkin
Estate of Lois Strickland $360 Lufkin
Estate of Joe C Little $352 Lufkin
Estate of Adolph Heil $350 Lufkin
Estate of Pantaleon A Tobias $333 Lufkin
Estate of Verna L Duke $327 Lufkin
Ronald Temple Estate $309 Huntington
Estate of Dorothy Irene Varnell $297 Lufkin
Jim Waters Estate $287 Lufkin
Estate of Maynard Bryan $284 Lufkin
W T Johnson Estate $281 Lufkin
Estate of Charlotte R Bertics $278 Lufkin
Estate of Patsy Reynolds $268 Lufkin
J Jinkins Estate of R $245 Lufkin
Grace Corbett Estate $241 Lufkin
Estate of Wilton H Killam Sr $240 Lufkin
Estate of Maria Aguilera $238 Lufkin
Estate Charlie Adair $235 Diboll
Lillian O Jackson Estate $234 Lufkin
Estate of Marie Murphy $230 Lufkin
Estate of Candious Nash $224 Diboll
Lillian O Jackson Estate $224 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $222 Lufkin
Estate of Mattie Lou Jordan $195 Lufkin
Monica Langston Estate  $184 Lufkin
Estate of Helen J Richard $169 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $166 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $165 Lufkin
Laverne G Ricks Estate $160 Lufkin
Ralph Estate of Squyres $156 Lufkin
Tracy Nerren Estate $152 Lufkin
Estate of Jane Borel $147 Zavalla
Estate of Mary L Taylor $144 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $133 Lufkin
Estate of Bill A Denby $133 Huntington
Cue Knight Estate $123 Huntington
Estate of Jacqueline Orr $123 Lufkin
Wesley W Estate $120 Lufkin
Estate of A N Trulious $116 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $112 Lufkin
Estate of Leona P Bily $109 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $107 Lufkin
Estate of Annie L Molandes $106 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $104 Lufkin
Faye Naron Estate $103 Lufkin
Estate of Mamie Wallace $100 Huntington
Lillian O Jackson Estate $99 Lufkin
Of D Estate $96 Huntington
Estate of Charlie Meyers $95 Lufkin
Estate of Cauley Bobby R $92 Lufkin
Ruth Wilson Estate $92 Lufkin
Estate of Vernon Durham $90 Lufkin
Estate of Minnie Maxey $90 Lufkin
Estate of Nelda E Tucker $87 Lufkin
Hazel Lee Davis Life Estate $86 Lufkin
Steven A Kuznier Estate $82 Lufkin
Estate of Dorothy B Whitehurst $81 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $79 Lufkin
Daisy A Williams Estate  $79 Lufkin
Estate of Clifford Williams $76 Diboll
Estate of Goolsbee William $75 Lufkin
Estate of Charlotte R Bertics $75 Lufkin
Estate of Joyce J Davis $74 Diboll
Estate of J Youngblood $71 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $70 Lufkin
Steven A Kuznier Estate $69 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $67 Lufkin
The Estate of Robert O Cates $65 Lufkin
Estate of Valeria Metcalf $64 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate Fund $64 Lufkin
Estate of Joyce J Davis $61 Diboll
Rowena Kimmey Estate $59 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $59 Lufkin
Estate of Maryell Marshall $59 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $58 Lufkin
Estate of Ruth Barlow $58 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $58 Lufkin
Estate of Elizabeth Oviatt $56 Lufkin
Rowena Kimmey Estate $55 Lufkin
Estate of Melvin Brown $54 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $54 Lufkin
Estate of Johnnie Burrell 10 $53 Lufkin
Estate of Joe Poland $53 Diboll
Lillian O Jackson Estate $50 Lufkin
Estate of Deborah K Riley $50 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $49 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $48 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $47 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $47 Lufkin
Estate of Charles Riddle $47 Lufkin
Estate of Ella B Wise $46 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $45 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $44 Lufkin
Rowena Kimmey Estate $43 Lufkin
Estate of James Harvey Knight $42 Lufkin
Estate of Richard Deloris R $41 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $41 Lufkin
Estate of Vera L Price $40 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $39 Lufkin
Estate of Jack Mcelroy $39 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $38 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $36 Lufkin
Estate of Wade Hoy $36 Lufkin
Alberta T Grider Life Estate $36 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $35 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $35 Lufkin
Estate of Bazell, Jimme L $35 Lufkin
Estate of Clautee S Adams $35 Lufkin
Lillian O Jackson Estate $35 Lufkin
Simon W Henderson Jr Estate $34 Lufkin
Estate of Archie R Pike $34 Lufkin
Rie Estate of Betty C Ma $34 Lufkin
Wilma Chambless Estate $34 Diboll
Estate of David Mcgill $34 Lufkin
Estate of Arthur Lee Lane $32 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $31 Lufkin
Estate of Edna L Jones $31 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $31 Lufkin
Steven A Kuznier Estate $31 Lufkin
John K Karber Estate $31 Lufkin
Estate of Elizabeth W Davis $31 Lufkin
Estate of James Burton $30 Lufkin
Estate of Aura T Netardus $29 Lufkin
Estate of Winnie L Thebeau $28 Lufkin
Nelda E Walters Estate $27 Huntington
Dorothy Whitehurst Estate $26 Lufkin
Grace Borbett Estate $26 Lufkin
Estate of William F Lennox $26 Lufkin

Note: This is a partial list showing only Angelina County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  See more sorted by city or Browse our list County by County

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


What Happens to Unclaimed Property Recovered from Abandoned Safety Deposit Boxes?

Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds, fine jewelry and collectibles at public auction. Check out current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas here.

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Texas Unclaimed Property



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

Texas Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads)

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