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Andrews County Unclaimed Estates

Andrews County Texas Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Andrews County Texas have $485,364 due heirs and beneficiaries.


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs ? Let them know  
Estate of Carl S Ham Sr  $223,860 Andrews 
Estate of Carl S Ham Sr  $179,966 Andrews 
Estate of Carl S Ham Sr  $47,880 Andrews 
Estate of Esteb Saldana  $7,343 Andrews 
Estate of R C Horton  $5,944 Andrews 
Estate of Fernando Sarmiento  $2,022 Andrews 
Mitchell Frances Estate  $1,770 Andrews 
Estate of Michael S Railey  $1,466 Andrews 
Estate of Ray O Hatcher  $1,175 Andrews 
James M Miller Estate  $1,149 Andrews 
Serena Nelson Estate  $1,005 Andrews 
Estate of Mildred J Ramsey Bush  $958 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $724 Andrews 
Estate of E Reinhardt The  $686 Andrews 
Estate of Adeline D Slaughter  $603 Andrews 
Estate of Leo Buchanan  $600 Andrews 
Edsel Edgar Marshall Sutphen Estate  $580 Andrews 
Estate of Stephen D Harmon  $554 Andrews 
Connie Phelps Estate  $525 Andrews 
Estate of Celvery Walsh  $454 Andrews 
Thompson James Estate  $435 Andrews 
Stephen Estate of Harmon  $426 Andrews 
Estate of Mary E Moses  $351 Andrews 
Estate of Ruth L Loving  $330 Andrews 
Estate of Willie Mae Reynolds  $317 Andrews 
Estate of Lydia Klotz  $300 Andrews 
Estate of Celvery Walsh  $285 Andrews 
Estate of Shethalia Neal  $245 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $238 Andrews 
Estate of William Weschke  $220 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $179 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $160 Andrews 
Dell Nelson Estate  $146 Andrews 
Estate of Annette King The  $143 Andrews 
Estate of Josie L Michael  $137 Andrews 
Estate of Sibie Knapek  $133 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $120 Andrews 
Tinsley Estate of Mona G  $113 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $113 Andrews 
The Estate of Zenobia Nix  $109 Andrews 
Ray Estate Wasson  $101 Andrews 
Ar D Keefer Estate of Osc  $98 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $94 Andrews 
Estate of Oscar D Keefer  $84 Andrews 
Estate of Arnulfo R Hernandez  $84 Andrews 
Estate of Julian F Lopez  $62 Andrews 
Estate of Shethalia B Neal  $61 Andrews 
Estate of Jaime R Montoya  $60 Andrews 
Estate of Annette King  $57 Andrews 
Jessie Laverne Elliott Estate  $56 Andrews 
Estate of Glenda Carol Eisenwine  $55 Andrews 
Estate of Matias Montoya  $51 Andrews 
Gutierrez Estate of Antonia M  $49 Andrews 
Estate of H Niemann  $49 Andrews 
Estate of Gene A Floyd  $48 Andrews 
Estate of William Weschke  $45 Andrews 
Estate of Shetheilia A Neal  $45 Andrews 
Estate of Tommy Dabney  $43 Andrews 
Estate of Averill Badgett  $43 Andrews 
Opal Estate Taylor  $39 Andrews 
Estate of Rhoades Sr Earl W  $38 Andrews 
Estate of Margret L Jacobs  $37 Andrews 
Estate of Hermie L Harris  $36 Andrews 
Estate of Domitila E Romero  $36 Andrews 
Estate of Romo, Alejandro  $31 Andrews 
Tinsley Estate of Mona G  $31 Andrews 
Estate of Alfred H Niemann  $29 Andrews 
Estate of Elmer D Humphrey  $29 Andrews 
Ar D Keefer Estate of Osc  $28 Andrews 
Stanford Estate of Patricia  $28 Andrews 
Estate of Rodriguez Frank  $26 Andrews 
Estate of Terry E Snow  $25 Andrews 

This is a partial list showing only Andrews County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  See more sorted by city or Browse our list County by County

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


What Happens to Unclaimed Property Recovered from Abandoned Safety Deposit Boxes?

Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds, fine jewelry and collectibles at public auction. Check out current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas here.



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

Texas Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay)

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Andrews County Treasures

Historical and Nostalgic Treasures from Andrews Texas. Rare books, memorabilia, and photos from Andrews, McKinney Acres, Coyote Corner, Fasken and Old Place Windmills Texas.

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