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Things To Do in Amarillo Texas in 1899

Toss down some medicinal liquor at the XL Saloon, Eat some hot tamales at the New Chile Stand and take home some pecan candy for the kids, get a bath and a haircut at J.T. Parks Tonsorial Parlor, get your wagon fixed at Ridings & Co Blacksmithing, get a furnished room for 25 cents at The Old Reliable in the Bush Building above Turner's Drug Store . . . Ads from The Evening News August 23 1899

Things To Do in Amarillo Texas in 1899


West Texas History & Memories

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

Amazing People from Texas County by County

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Texas History by Category and Event

Famous People from Potter County TexasFamous People from Amarillo and Canyon Texas
Books about Potter County People and Places

Books About Potter County Texas People and PlacesBooks About Potter County People and Places

Potter County Unclaimed Estates

Potter County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Potter County Left a total $915,451 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Let them know they can collect from the Texas Comptroller's Office. See the List

Potter County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and Historic Records from Amarillo, Bishop Hills, Ady, Boden, Bushland, Chunky, Cliffside, and Gentry Texas.

See All Potter County Treasures (eBay)


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