Saturday, September 7, 2024
“By the exercise of brotherly love, we
are taught to regard the whole human species as one family”
Prince Hall Masonry In Ontario 1852-1933, Arlie C Robbins, July
17 1980, p.8 |
Masonry, also known as Freemasonry, is
the oldest and largest fraternity in the world. Members are inspired
to live by the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, and, second,
to join its members in an endeavour to build a world where justice,
equality, and compassion shine forth in the happiness of all human
kind. When a man asks to join a Masonic Lodge, he enters into an opportunity
for personal development, character building, and the acquisition of
leadership capacities. Through his Masonic journey and his association
which his brethren, a Mason learns the skill and finds the understanding
with which he can enhance his community and strengthen his family.
Freemasons are active in promoting education, supporting stronger communities
and practicing charity. |
Prince Hall is recognized as the Father of Black
Masonry in the United States.. Prince Hall was one of a few blacks
who fought at the battle of Bunker Hill. Religiously inclined,
he later became a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal
Church and fought for the abolition of slavery. Prince Hall was
a hero to slaves
in 1800’s. He advocated for participation of black men in government and
for equality. Blacks faced many barriers to being admitted as Masons. Blacks
were not barred from ‘white’ lodges but were most often eliminated
by a ‘black ball’ at the ballot box. However, in 1775 Prince Hall
was invited to join
Hall Masons on Mercer Street in the 1920's - Photo courtesy of
Jim Allen |
an Irish Lodge #441 a part of British regiment.
In March 6 1775 Prince Hall and 14 others become master masons
of lodge #441. When the
British Army left Boston, this Lodge, # 441, granted Prince Hall and his brethren
authority to meet as a lodge.
Prince Hall organized the creation of the
African Lodge founded July 3, 1776.
When black lodges formed “under the charter of Prince Hall Masonry
were considered to be “clandestine” on the grounds that the first
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts had been declared irregular by the white
brothers of that state.” |
The founding of the Lodge in Canada is linked
to the migration of black settlers from America. Hundreds of
blacks began migrating beginning in 1830 and by 1850 to 1860
thousands made their way to Canada. Internationally known masons
such as Dr Martin Delany, Rev Thomas Stringer, Abraham D Shadd,
Rev Thomas Kinnard, Rev Benjamin Stewart and Rev. Josiah Henson
McCurdy with fellow Prince Hall Masons - Photo courtesy of Lois
Larkin |
assisted fugitives and brought their experience
with the Lodge with them.
The National Compact Grand Lodge (New Jersey unit) was the first to establish
Prince Hall Masonry in Canada. The first was established in Hamilton in December
27, 1852 and was known as the Mount Olive Lodge #1. Next the Olive Branch #3
was set up in Windsor in October 1853 under Grand Master Benjamin Jackson. However,
by 1856 olive Branch #3 in Windsor had dissolved.
The next incarnation was The Widow’s Son Grand Lodge. It was constituted
August 25, 1856 in Hamilton. The Windsor lodge was called the North American
#9 of Windsor. The years following the end of the American Civil War were challenging
for the Canadian lodges. Many Canadian masons returned to the states to help
with the reconstruction. The final meeting of the Widow’s Son Grand Lodge
St was in St. Catherines on June 12,1872.
The remaining masons decided to unite. Ezekiel C. Cooper drafted a call for amalgamation.
On October 22, 1872 the resolution was adopted and the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of Ontario was formed. This included North American Lodge #11
of Windsor.
The Canadian lodge underwent several name changes. In 1896 Masons of Michigan
and Ontario split. In 1922 the title was recorded as “Most Worshipful Prince
Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Ontario”. In 1974 it was re-named The Most
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Province
of Ontario
and Jurisdiction. In 1976 the North American Lodge #11 of Windsor joined
Lodge #7
the American
Star Lodge #4 of Windsor.
Prince Hall masons continue to be active and involved in Windsor and area.
For more information please visit their website at http://freemasonry.org. |
opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada. |