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Saturday, February 15, 2025
The names on this list appear courtesy of The North American Black Historical Museum:
Ford Kersey
Alvin Ladd
Norman Lee
James Levi
Wesley Levi
James Lockman
Jerome Lockman
Desmond Love
Harry Lucas
Walter Lucas
Mathew Matthews
Jack McCallum
Alvin McCurdy
Gordan Milburn
Kenneth Milburn
Jim Morgan
John Morris
Judson Mulder
Joseph Noil
“ Buster” Nolan
George Nolan
George Olbey
Howard Olbey
Edward Palmer
Fredrick Patterson
James Porter
Martel Proctor
Claude Pryoor
Lloyd Pryor
Edgar Richardson
Laverne (James) Robbin
Glenn Robbins
Shirley Roo
Robert Ross
Agie Scott
Arthur Shreve
Arthur F. Shreve
Russel Shreve
George Smith
John Smith

John Smith Jr.
John R. Smith
Reginald Smith
Raymond Strain
Robert Sweeney
Davie Talbot
Myrin Talbot
Paul Talbot
Walter Talbot
Lyle (Lucky) Taylor
Fred Thomas
Robert Thomas
Clifford Thomas
James Travis
Wellington Travis
John Turner
Joseph Turner
Clarence Vandyke
Tommy Vincent
James Wales
Lloyd Wallace
Ray Ward
Lewis Walter
Arthur Washington
Elizabeth Washington
Dwight Washington
Merlin Washington
Lloyd Watkins
James Watson
Chandler Wells
Raymond Wells
Donald White
Gary White
George White
Arnold Wilson
Dwayne Wilson
Marwood Wilson
Paul Wilson
Arthur Wright
Cornelius Wright

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